Calling Forth the laborers to Proclaim Freedom for Our Nation Through the message of repentance
January 9th – 12th, 2025
Northern Indiana Event Center at the RV Hall of Fame
21565 Executive Pkwy, Elkhart, IN 46514
Time to Revive is releasing a corporate call to the remnant of laborers who have considered the cost and are fully committed to the cause of Christ, recognizing the Gospel as the only hope for America.
America is at a crossroads; a defining moment in history. It’s time for the followers of Jesus to lead our nation in repentance. Has He not commanded us to go, make disciples, baptize and teach?
The fields across this nation are ripe for harvest and we sense an urgency to accelerate the call. Based on God’s leading, we are asking Him to send 1,848* laborers to take back territory the enemy has stolen.
The land is ours to possess if we go in the courage and power of the Holy Spirit.
Please join us for an intentional time of equipping and commissioning.
The time is now!!
*Square Root of 1 % of the Population